Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cute doll pins and felt dolls!

 I made these dolls at Christmas after seeing these at Posie gets Cozy
I flipped over them. I thought they were so cute. But I had to make a Korean one, since one of my best friends is Korean : ) She loved it! They are really fun to make and you can find the supplies at Jo-anns
fabrics or Micheals. You need to download the template for the dress and get the Doll pin heads, and stands. And Doll pins. Some skilled painting is required : D I used flesh colored acrylic in the little bottle to paint the heads first.
Also no machine sewing required, I used my pinking shears for the bottom of the dresses and just gathered the top by hand, as if making a yo-yo.

I made these using this book as my inspiration. I did not make them into finger puppets I cut a circle for the bottom, stitched around it to close in the stuffing. I then made a little bed with sewn slots for each doll. The bed rolls up and closes with a ribbon tie. My friend Jean's kids really liked them and now do little puppet shows. This was their Christmas gift.


  1. You did a wonderful thing with these -so darn cute!!! I have made one and she has a home in a tiny tin suitcase with hand made quilt and hand embroidered too. She has a even teenier teddy bear. Love what you did and will try them. Thank you!!

  2. Sewing Belly Buttons Boutique: Cute Doll Pins And Felt Dolls! >>>>> Download Now

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    Sewing Belly Buttons Boutique: Cute Doll Pins And Felt Dolls! >>>>> Download LINK

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    Sewing Belly Buttons Boutique: Cute Doll Pins And Felt Dolls! >>>>> Download Full

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